Design Example 2.2
The purpose of this design example is to investigate the way engineers design a pad foundation subject to an inclined, eccentric load and resting on boulder clay.
![](Example 2.2.jpg)
Specification of Design Example 2.2 (PDF)
Standard penetration data and particle size determination (Excel spreadsheet)
Questionnaire 2.2
Download a Word copy of Questionnaire 2.2 to complete in draft before submitting your answers via the online questionnaire given below.
When you have decided on your answers to the questionnaire, please submit them to us using the online form Questionnaire 2.2.
Thank you for your contribution!
Phase 2: benchmark exercise
Phase 2 of the exercise involves re-designing the foundation with benchmark characteristic values supplied to you in this document.
When you have re-designed the foundation, please submit your new answers using the following (modified) online form Questionnaire 2.2 benchmark.
Thank you once again for your contribution!